The patriot free 123
The patriot free 123

the patriot free 123

The tavern recruitment scene suggests this quite well. According to Massachusetts history, the Revolutionary forces (not necessarily the armed forces even) were, um, not kind to people who sympathized with the British. Of course, this wasn't only limited to the British forces. That's actual history, not just entertainment history. Don't believe me? Check out the history of what happened to the original signers of the Declaration of Independence, their families and their properties. Fact: There were in fact many atrocities committed by the British forces, rapes, property burning, etc. Many Americans served with the British forces. How about some facts? Fact: Americans fought against themselves during the war. Yet most war films seem to be battle after battle after battle, with no real respite except for the wounded. Certainly some battles went on for days at a time, but there is a lot of waiting and a lot of marching.

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For example, most wars are not constant fighting. Even if they did, I expect the film to be untrue so I can be entertained. Certainly, I enjoy films better when they seem to be a reasonably accurate portrayal of a time (costumes, technologies), but I don't carp about whether some person existed. I often wonder if such films as Treasure of the Sierra Madre, or Rio Grande, or just about any western flick was judged so harshly when it came out as we judge 'historical' pictures today? Or any pirate film? Zorro? Any film with knights in it? It seems to me that unless you are making a documentary, the historical accuracy doesn't truly matter in detail. Martin and Tavington did not actually exist, they are merely characters, possibly based (as has been suggested) on actual historical figures. All such films come with a disclaimer saying something to the effect that the characters portrayed aren't real and the story is just that, a story. However, in this case, I feel I must point out a few things. I admit that I have done so in a few cases myself (Thin Red Line).

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This blog will be dedicated to exploring American principles and exposing those who cloak themselves in the name of "Patriot" while betraying the very principles behind that name.Whenever I see a film that is supposed to have historical basis, I am always a bit surprised to find out how much people complain about historical inaccuracies. The Patriot does not fear honest examination by his countrymen. The price of Liberty is eternal vigilance. Mercenaries come in many guises, from politicians to community organizers and even to supposed leaders of patriot movements.

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While he may wear the clothes and speak the speech of a Patriot, his actions will reveal where his true loyalties lie. He may sell out his nation for personal or collective gain. In contrast, a Mercenary may victimize his own countrymen or serve his nation's rivals or enemies, aiding or assisting them in gaining an advantage. Our Patriotic duty is to walk in their footsteps. They were united not for political or monetary purposes, not just to carve out a new nation but to uphold and defend a core set of principles that would estabilsh a better kind of civilization. Our Founders eloquently stated that a nation dedicated to Liberty and Justice is only possible if we embrace virtue. An American Patriot is loyal to his nation and the principles at its foundation.

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